About Us
Company Profile
LIP Trade’s main business focus is the IT support of PCs, laptops, Servers, LAN, internet sites, VOIP, videosurveillance systems in Sofia, Bulgaria. Numbers tell our story:
We are in the business since 2001.
We have solved more than 50 000 IT tickets by now
Every day we take care for 3000+ PCs, 160+ servers, 60+ internet sites of 80+ companies located in Sofia, Bulgaria
Team of 18 experienced officers
Fleet of 8 company cars
Our customers are companies of different size. With LANs from 5PCs till 300+ PCs.

Lubomir Tsokov
Eng. Lubomir Tsokov is a managing partner in LIP Trade OOD. He studied in Czechoslovakia at the Technical University in Prague: CVUT – Ceske Vysoke Uceni Technicki, majoring in Electrical Engineering.

Petko Gruev
Petko Gruev is a managing partner in LIP Trade OOD. He has been in the IT field since 1998, and since 2001 he has been developing a private business in computer technology. He is a manager of many successful IT projects in all areas of BG business.
Computer equipment at preferential prices
The client receives the right to buy at preferential prices equipment from "LIP Trade" Ltd. for his office.
Quick solution to problems
In 70% of the cases the problems are solved within 15 minutes from the submission of the application thanks to the specialized center of the company for remote access.
Specialized software solutions
It uses a product developed by specialist administrators in the company with high security, reliability and easy user interface.